
Which advantages does have compared to other job platforms?

We bring people together.
Day after day, we bring thousands of households and companies together with suitable cleaners in Spain.

Fair payment for good work

Unlike other providers such as cleaning agencies, we do not earn money on every hour worked. You determine your own wage based on your experience and qualifications and receive 100% of the wage at the end without having to pay us a commission.

Self-determined work with your own customers

You decide yourself which orders you accept. This allows you to build long-term business relationships with your employers. In addition, we are committed to legal employment and against undeclared work. Because even as a domestic helper, you are entitled to legal employment in order to benefit from Social Security payments and unemployment aid in case of an emergency - just like it is usual in any other job.

Here you can find out more about how Doméstico24 differs from other providers: What distinguishes Doméstico24 from other job platforms?