Housekeeping for every budget

Find housemaids, cleaning service or ironing without hustle

4.9 14534 reviews

How does it work?

Create a job offer
You create a free job offer to search for the fitting domestic help and describe what kind of help you need.
Sign up now
Get applications
Within a few hours you will receive applications from domestic helpers in your area. You can contact the applicants through our platform and discuss details with them.
Our conditions
Hire a helper
Once you have found a suitable domestic helper, the next step is legal employment. If the domestic helper is self-employed, you pay them on account.

What we offer

Over 85,000 registered domestic helpers all over Spain

Receive suitable applications from domestic helpers in your area within a few hours.

How does Doméstico24 work?
Affordable domestic helpers

You will easily find a helper that fits your budget and your needs.

How much does a domestic helper cost?
Transparent and fair

At Doméstico24, domestic helpers receive 100% of their hourly wage directly from their client – without any commission.

What makes Doméstico24 special?

Domestic helpers in all of Spain

Feedback from our users

Choose from over 236.600 cleaners

Detailed profiles of cleaners with profile photos and verifications
First applications within 24 hours
Thousands of cleaning jobs placed since 2018
Fair wages for domestic helpers without agency fees