
Do I have to pay Social Security contibutions?

The social security contribution depends on your mode of employment:

Regular employment

The bases of contribution for common and work-related contingencies are determined on the basis of the contributions scale, depending on the salary of the domestic employee. Since the entry into force of Royal Decree-Law 16/2022, the corresponding unemployment and FOGASA contributions will also have to be paid.

Cleaning companies

No, you do not have to pay any contribution when your domestic help is a cleaning company.

Social Security contribution bases for the year 2023

In the year 2023, the contribution bases for common and professional contingencies for domestic workers in Spain will be determined according to the following scale, based on the compensation received:


Group Monthly remuneration increased with the proportion of extraordinary payments Contribution Base EUR/month
1st From 0 to 291.00 270.00
2nd From 291.01 to 451.00 386.00
3rd From 451.01 to 613.00 532.00
4th From 613.01 to 775.00 694.00
5th From 775.01 to 939.00 858.00
6th From 939.01 to 1,098.00 1,018.00
7th From 1,098.01 to 1,260.00 1,260.00
8th From 1,260.00 Monthly remuneration


Applicable Contribution Types

Common 23.60% 4.70% 28.30%
Professional 1.10% - 1.10%

Unemployment 5% 1.05% 6.05%
FOGASA 0.2% - 0.2%


Example: A domestic worker with an indefinite contract for hours (4 hours per week) receives a gross salary of €250/month. Referring to the contribution base table, it falls into the first bracket, resulting in a contribution base of €270. Applying the corresponding percentages, the following amounts are payable to Social Security:



  • For common contingencies:  €270.00 * 23.60% = €63.72
  • For professional contingencies: €270.00 * 1.10% = €2.97
  • For unemployment: €270.00 * 5% = €13.50
  • FOGASA €270.00 * 0.2% = €0.54

TOTAL: €63.72 + €2.97 + €13.50 + €0.54 = €80.73/month



  • For common contingencies: €270.00 * 4.70% = €12.69
  • For unemployment: €270.00 * 1.05% = €2.84

TOTAL: €12.69 + €2.84 = €15.53/month   


Contribution Incentives


In the year 2023, the 20% reduction in common contingency contributions for domestic workers, which has been in effect since 2012, remains unchanged. This reduction in fees can be expanded up to 45% for large families, in cases where the employee is exclusively dedicated to caring for family members, and both parents or the sole parent in the case of single-parent families, engage in professional activities outside the home or are incapacitated for work. When the large family is of special category, it won't be necessary for both parents to engage in paid work outside the home to qualify. This benefit is only recognized for one caregiver per family unit.